Our system,
so modular,
so perfect.
Effortlessly elevate your garden with seamless assembly and customisation at your fingertips. Don't wait to re-invent your garden. Discover the endless possibilities and unlock the potential of your outdoor space now.
Transform your outdoor space with the elegance and simplicity of Modblox. Our modular system allows homeowners, garden lovers and DIY enthusiasts to create stunning, versatile structures with ease.
Why use ModBlox?
Save Time
ModBlox is essentially a system of connecting pieces whereby you slot timber in to, with convenient pre-drilled holes for fastening.
Get Creative
Using different ModBlox connectors, you can create pretty much any structure your mind desires!
Easy To Follow Instructions
The simplistic nature of the product allows easy to follow instructions that are really simple.
Do It Yourself
ModBlox has been designed with the end user in mind. If you can use a drill driver, you can assemble the Pergola of your dreams!
See what's possible with ModBlox
Take a look at some of our inspiration images to see what's possible with ModBlox.
See more
ModBlox components have been meticulously crafted for the perfect fit.
We manufacture a full range of adaptors, hangers and accessories to create many different types of Garden Building.